Face Moisturizer Gives Me A Headache

Face Moisturizer Gives Me A Headache? – Reasons and Solutions

Moisturizers are essential for maintaining the hydration and radiance of our skin. A crucial step in the skincare routine is applying moisture. Without the moisturizer, there is a good chance that the skin will lose its moisture and appear dry.

However, there are drawbacks as well. Many users reported experiencing headaches after using moisturizer on their faces, which is unusual. We’ll talk about this specific issue today.

Here, you will learn why using moisturizer causes headaches, what happens to your face when you use moisturizer, and much more.

Why Does Moisturizer Give Me A Headache?

Daily, we apply numerous products to our skin. Products that will make sure our skin is flawless and appears healthy. There are people out there who spend a lot of money on maintaining and improving the appearance of their skin. 

There are a few ingredients in the product, though, that we are not aware of and might jeopardize our skin’s health.

Knowing the ingredients is a crucial first step in making wise decisions as we all become more involved in where our money gets spent (and grow as informed consumers).

In terms of maintaining our beauty routines, we’ve discovered some unfavorable elements that require attention outside the product lines we use on our skin.

You can all understand the significance of moisturizer for the skin if we talk about moisture here. But have you ever suffered from it? For instance, some people claim to experience headaches after using moisturizers. It may sound extremely strange to some people. But it is the case.

Due to this, we will discuss some of the specific causes of your headaches from your moisturizer. You’ll find out more about it when you keep reading.

The following list includes two primary ingredients that are causing headaches.

1. Fragrance

Many people believe in perfume or other enticing aromas when they think of fragrance. However, the fragrance does much more than impart a particular scent to the things surrounding us, such as our cars, trash bags, and feminine hygiene products.

At least once per week, 99 percent of Americans come into contact with scented goods. Several medical issues are associated with fragrance substances, including migraines, respiratory problems, skin and eye discomfort, and endocrine disruption.

The problem is made worse because the odor has a penchant for remaining. When the molecules are ingested, inhaled, or smelt, they are extremely challenging for your body to remove from your body.

Fragrance molecules are kind of like that. Moreover, any specific product could contain up to 4000 different ingredients, which are harmful or toxic and can cause skin problems such as itchiness, redness, and discoloration.

You can use fragrance-free moisturizer to prevent the problem.

2. Parabens

The use of these bacteriostatic and bactericidal substances as artificial ingredients is widespread. In addition to other skincare products, they are present in shampoos and personal care products. 

Despite the risks associated with these substances, especially breast cancer, researchers cannot meet them. Using methyl parabens topically can speed up skin aging and damage DNA when they interact chemically with UVB light.

Parabens are xenoestrogens, as is well known. Therefore, it stands to reason that the increased frequency of headaches brought on by hormones may result from xenoestrogen absorption through cosmetics and skincare products.

If you search for parabens and headaches online, you will find numerous accounts from women who claim that using a paraben-containing product is to blame. Additionally, it started to give them headaches, but the symptoms vanished once they stopped using the product.

Why Shouldn’t You Moisturize Your Face?

You can now consider whether there is a way to avoid applying moisturizer to your face. Can you omit the moisturizing step to prevent any headaches?

Before using a moisturizer, you should understand a few things, including whether you need one.

A moisturizer’s primary function is to avoid water evaporating from the stratum corneum, the upper layer of skin, but it also provides resistance that protects skin from damage.

An American dermatologist, Dr.Obagi, recently stated that “when you use a moisturizer every day, you run the risk of making your skin older, not younger. If you apply a lot of moisture, your skin will become sensitive, dry, dull, and interfere with its natural hydration functions.”

Overall, moisturizers can benefit your skin by serving as a shield of protection against situations like dermatitis. If used excessively, your skin may depend on them and cease to adequately exfoliate naturally or generate as many healthy proteins and lipids.

The most crucial thing to keep in mind, according to Dr. Obagi, is to use products that support rather than inhibit your skin’s natural glycolic acid process.

Finally, if you want to protect your skin from dryness or redness, use a moisturizer. But you can avoid the moisturizer if you experience any irritability.

Why Does My Face Feel Tight After Moisturizing?

Even after applying moisturizer, it is possible for your skin to feel still constrictive or dry. There are several causes for this.

1. Not Using Exfoliator

Exfoliation is an essential part of keeping your skin hydrated. Even though our skin constantly renews itself, the process slows down as we age. Skin can become dry and flaky as dead cells accumulate on its surface over time.

Exfoliation could improve the appearance of your skin’s surface by removing these cells.

2. Dryness

The water and lipids in your moisturizers have a significant bio-feedback process, which reduces the skin’s ability to moisturize itself and causes it to become dull. Moisturizers should not get used because they have additional adverse effects.

3. Not Following The Right Step

Occasionally, it can be challenging to stick to a skincare routine. It takes practice to use every product step by step properly. Never use moisturizer first. Apply moisturizer after assembling everything.

4. Using the Wrong Cleanser

Every skin care regimen should start with a thorough cleansing. Your skin may become irritated or dry if you use abrasive soaps and cleaning supplies. Some people may not like the harshness of salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, alcohol, or artificial fragrances.

If your cleanser contains these ingredients and you are constantly dehydrated, try switching to a softer cleanser, such as a cream cleanser.

Moisturizers may cause headaches for several different reasons. We’ve already mentioned two important factors that are causing your migraines. Before buying any moisturizer, you should always read the ingredients.

Stop using it if you experience any adverse effects after purchasing. We sincerely hope this page has provided you with all the information you require.

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